Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Comparison Between King Lear and Oedipus Essay

A tragedy is not only an imitation of life in general but an imitation of an action, as Aristotle defined his ideas in the Poetics, which presents Oedipus as an ultimate tragic hero. There is a obvious link between the two characters in that blindness – both literal and metaphorical – is a strong theme in the stories. Issues of self-recognition and self-knowledge are significant for Oedipus as well as King Lear. For Aristotle, Reversal, Recognition and Suffering are key elements in a complex tragedy. The human instinct to seek knowledge of and to know an individual’s character is essential to understand their actions (Aristotle, 1-49). King Lear and King Oedipus find that self recognition and self-knowledge are very important keys to understand their behaviour and as a consequence their lives. They learn by painful suffering that wealth and kingship means nothing and that both are only common men in the end. So all three key terms of Aristotle’s complex tragedy could be found in the plays: reversal, recognition and suffering. At the start of the play, King Lear is defined by his kingship, wealth and power, but when he introduces the ‘love-contest’ over his inheritance, the losing and suffering begins. First and most obviously, he loses his wealth and power. Although the hundred knights and title he retains, having given away his royal power, give him an illusionary security, without his power he is only a poor imitation of a king. It is the Fool who demonstrates with his honest and teasing answers that Lear has lost his identity, not only his property. He says â€Å"All thy other titles thou hast given away; that thou wast born with† (1.4.142) and â€Å"now thou art an 0 without a figure; I am better than thou art now. I am a fool, thou art nothing† (1.4.184). The Fool as well as Kent also tries to show Lear that his decision is not only about property and losing a big part of his identity. It is also about losing his most valuable treasure – his only true loving daughter. The Fool and Kent support King Lear during the play to find his identity, in contrast to Lear’s two elder daughters. They show him his weakness brutally when they do not allow him to keep his knights. This is the last evidence for Lear  that his two elder daughters have only wanted his property and do not care about him as a father. He still does not admit that self-worth and self identity has nothing to do with needs, nothing to do with wealth and power and that love has nothing to do with quantity but with quality. In his pain, he flees the truth as a last solution. The storm scene shows Lear’s madness and his journey to self recognition best, in which he must painfully accept that he is no more than a common man, powerless against the force of nature and the gods. It is not only Lear who has to find himself in this play. The bastard son of the Earl of Gloucester, Edmund, believes himself to be a character without scruple. His only thoughts are selfish and he does not understand that his machinations are ultimately self destructive and false. He plots against his brother and his father to gain power. Not even when his father is blinded as a result of his denunciation does he show any pity. Edmund thinks that he has a natural right to use everything to get what he wants. However, at the end, he realizes his wrong behaviour when he declares, â€Å"I pant for life. Some good I mean to do† (5.3.241). But it is too late – for Cordelia and for him. At the end Lear knows that only the love of his daughter Cordelia is worth living for. Nonetheless Cordelia and Lear die – Lear, wiser than he ever was and so a real tragic hero and Cordelia – a sacrificial victim of this tragedy. Lear finally finds out that true love has nothing to do with property but with knowing oneself and recognizing each other. True understanding of love must mean true understanding of oneself. King Oedipus’s character is similar to King Lear’s. Oedipus is a man, who is fully aware of his strength, intelligence and power. As the solver of the riddle and the national leader of Thebes in a moment of crisis, he is a noble hero and a great celebrity. Thebes high esteem for Oedipus is shown through the Chorus until the bitter end of the play. In the beginning of the play King Oedipus is a person of vast self-assurance. This character attribute is demonstrated in his willingness to take the full responsibility  for dealing with the crisis, the plague. King Oedipus feels certain that he will also manage this crisis as he has done before with the riddle of the sphinx. He feels so self-assure that he even thinks he is able to trick the oracle and the gods by simply fleeing Corinth. But this is a big miscalculation as the play shows. The outline in the story of Oedipus’s self discovery begins when he starts to solve the second riddle, the riddle of Laius death. During this solving Oedipus’ character changes from an honour man to a fearful, condemned man by his tragic fate in the end. The changing of the character is accompanied by the changing of the riddle: the question â€Å"Who is the murderer of Laius?† changes to â€Å"Who am I?† Aristotle in his Poetics discusses this reversal when he speaks of â€Å"a change of the action into the opposite† (Aristotle, 18). As the tragedy moves on, finding the truth for Oedipus becomes an obsession. The dispute between Teiresias and Oedipus demonstrates that Oedipus does not even take the possibility of involvement in something bad into consideration. Teiresias, after he has been provoked, wants Oedipus to find the truth, to acknowledge himself. â€Å"I tell you, you and your loved ones live together in infamy, you cannot see how far you’ve gone in guilt† (418). Although, Teiresias’s speeches are very clear Oedipus negates the truth before himself. The ironic net of facts becomes clearer and clearer. After the entry of the messenger and the shepherd, Jocasta suddenly recognises the truth. She now knows what she is to Oedipus and what guilt lies upon her family. Nevertheless she tries to avoid the truth and tries to save Oedipus when she begs him â€Å"Stop – in the name of god, if you love your own life, call off this search!† (1163). But now, Oedipus wants to know everything so she could only scream, â€Å"You’re doomed – may you never fathom who you are!† (1173). When in the following lines Oedipus claims that he is a son of Chance he is only just entering the circle of increasing knowledge about himself. He soon realizes that outer forces may have impact on his life, but he still relies on his own genius and infallibility. As Oedipus discovers his own identity he has to learn about himself what it is to be a man. He learns that his behaviour and his mistakes are partially responsible for this horrific truth. So he takes the full responsibility for his punishment. In blinding himself he does not die physically but in a sense he is dead. Moving out into the wastelands there is nothing to look forward to except death. The self-recognition of what he  has done and consequently what he is to his children has destroyed him. The play ends in a sense as it begins, with the greatness of a hero. But it is a different kind of greatness. Now it is based on self-recognition and self-knowledge instead of ignorance and pride. Finally Oedipus has gained knowledge of himself and his reality and he realizes that higher forces, such as the gods and destiny have influence. Werner Jaeger declares in his Paideia: The Ideals of Greek Culture â€Å"to know oneself for Sophocles is to know man’s powerlessness† (Jaeger, 284). And this is to be true for Oedipus as well as for King Lear. King Lear’s and King Oedipus’s awareness of their strength and power is nothing in the end. At the start of the play both kings are majestic figures. Nevertheless not only their character flaws of pride and the exaggerated opinion of themselves lead to this ultimate downfall in the end. Oedipus and Lear cause their own fall partly because they do not know who they are. They first have to find out, through incredible sufferings, that they are nothing more but common men. Both characters symbolize the tragic hero in a perfect sense. The human suffering in these plays is so significant that the reader can almost feel it. Though Oedipus’ fate is determined, the reader still feels sympathy for the tragic hero, believing that somehow he doesn’t deserve what ultimately comes to him. The same applies for King Lear, who gives everything away to his daughters, who will only betray and defraud him. Although in both plays the theme of self-knowledge is very important, it is only one of many ways of entry to the texts. The theme of Blindness, the impact of the Gods and Fate. are other interesting ways to look at the plays. But we learn from the first perspective that self-recognition and learning about oneself has also something positive. No matter how painful the realization, how destructive the outcome there are aspects of growth and gain in it. An important outcome of these plays is that the only person who can tell you who you really are is you by yourself. And this knowledge mitigates the sufferings at least a little bit.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Communist System of Government

Communism is an ideal society that is unrealistic for humans to maintain. In this system major resources and means of production are owned by the community rather than by individuals. The society is without money, without a state, without property and without social classes. All people would contribute to the society according to their ability and take from the society according to their needs. Fredrick Engel's believed that a proletarian could only be liberated by abolishing competition, private property, and all class differences, and replacing it with association. The concept was derived from ancient sources, such as Plato's Republic and the earliest Christian communes. In the early 19th century, the idea of a communist society was a response to the poor social classes that developed during the beginning of modern capitalism. Communal societies have existed for centuries, yet they eventually failed. Throughout history, religious groups have had the most success in maintaining communes. The Roman Catholic Church established monasteries all over Europe in the middle Ages. Most of these small-scale private xperiments involved voluntary cooperation, with everyone participating in the governing process. Philosophers Karl Marx and Fredric Engel influenced the movement of communism greatly. In the late 1800's the two discovered that they had individually come to ideal opinions on the perfect society. They collaborated their ideas in their most famous â€Å"Communist Manifesto†, as well as many other informative pamphlets. Third World countries striving for national independence and social change experimented with their philosophies on economics. Fredrick Engel wrote, â€Å"The general co-operation of all members f society for the purpose of planned exploitation of the forces of production, the expansion of production to the point where it will satisfy the needs of all, the abolition of a situation in which the needs of some are satisfied at the expense of the needs of others, the complete liquidation of classes and their conflicts, the rounded development of the capacities of all members of society through the elimination of the present division of labor, through industrial education, through engaging in varying activities, through the participation by all n the enjoyments produced by all, through the combination of city and country — these are the main consequences of the abolition of private property. The philosopher's ideals were kindled by the mistreatment of the working class throughout history. Every social system of the past, Marx argued, had been a device by which the rich and powerful few could live by the toil and misery of the powerless many, therefore causing class differences and conflict. Engel and Marx believed that the capitalist system was flawed and was bound to destroy itself. They tried to show that the more productive the system became, the more difficult it would be to make it function: The more goods it accumulated, the less use it would have for these goods; the more people it trained, the less it could utilize their talents. Capitalism, in short, would eventually choke on its own wealth. Poverty rapidly spread through civilized countries during the industrial revolution in the late 18th century. It was precipitated by the discovery of the steam engine, mechanical loom, and other various mechanical devices. Only â€Å"big capitalists† could afford the expensive achines, which transformed the entire mode of production. Former workers were replaced by machines, which were more productive, along with cheaper labor. Industrial product (brought about by machine labor) prices decreased, completely destroying the old system of hand labor. Within no time the bourgeoisie (big capitalists) increased profits and the former workers remained with nothing. The former workers, proletarians were then forced to work minimum wage for the bourgeoisie. They only provided the lower class enough money to survive, so they would not be able to rise above their class. So as the old saying goes, â€Å"the rich got richer and the poor only got poorer†. Many countries were revolutionized by Europe's mechanical industry production. Countries such as India and China were complete strangers to historical development, until they were violently forced out of their isolation. They bought cheaper commodities from the English and allowed their own manufacturing workers to wither away. Due to the one world market, civilized countries have repercussions in third world countries. By abolishing private property, competition would become obsolete. Karl Marx did not think that competition and individual management of industry could be separated, so his solution was to destroy both of the problems with one stone. He wanted to limit private property through progressively increasing property taxes (basically taxing the bourgeoisie). By removing competition, greediness would be eliminated. â€Å"Greediness is a consequence of capitalism and is merely a learned quality†, explains Kominf. If all humans were treated equally, there would be no need to compete with one another. In the ideal society, the state would provide ducation for all children. The children would be trained for a variety of occupations. Thus entering the work force, they would be prepared for a variety of jobs. Workers would rotate occupations in response to the needs of society. No longer would they be bound or exploited to their occupation. This would remove class differences, such as the one-sided character that is transfixed upon our current society. The variety of classes would soon disappear because there would no longer be a division of labor. Within a communistic society commodities are traded, opposed to using money. Commodities value is based upon the amount of labor time that was necessary to produce the product. However, this could result in a situation in which a lazy worker taking their time about making a commodity makes a commodity worth much more than the commodity made by a hard working efficient worker. If this were the case then employers would be sacking their diligent workers while telling the rest to go as slow as they can. Instead of Right-Wing politicians lambasting the poor for being lazy they would be lambasting them for being too hard working. This is not, however, what determines the value of a commodity. What determines the value of a commodity is the labor time socially necessary for its production. Shortages, inequalities, and coercive government have persisted in countries that call themselves ‘communist'. The followers of Marx that have come into power in nations have lacked some preconditions that Marx and Engel considered essential. Russia was one of the first countries to experiment with their own revised version of communism. In the early years its enemies within the country challenged the government's very existence repeatedly. The country strived to transform their backward country into a leading industrial nation and first rate military power. However this task required harsh discipline imposed only by an unrelenting dictatorship. Which controlled all of citizens activities. The resulting system of total control has been labeled totalitarianism. Totalitarianism by no means carried out Marx and Engel visions of utopia. The country's cultural and intellectual life remained under the control of the ruling party. Eventually in the early 1980's, the USSR had become the world's second-ranking industrial power. Its armed might and industrial potential were backed by important scientific advances and by a generally high level of technical education. However, their living conditions were low in comparison to that of the Western countries. The success was not maintained for more than a decade. In 1991 the political struggle led to the collapse of the Soviet Communist Party. In order for communism to succeed, it must be world wide. This is because of our one world market that exists in modern day. Countries in the world depend on one another for economical growth. Although with this dependency, the countries rise and fall with one another's economy. The internet is spreading the word of communism. Groups represented throughout the world are preparing for a future revolution. Unfortunately they are not afraid of brutally taking lives to get what they want. It is expected that one day the large number of the working class will join together and revolt against their higher class. If communism were to be world wide, they would be able to completely abolish competition. Within removing competition, people's trait of greediness would soon wither.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Proposal for Callingyou Inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Proposal for Callingyou Inc - Essay Example The Company provides 24 / 7 support, staff rotates in shifts, centralized administration is recommended to configure multiple accounts on each workstation, and this enables every employee to log in the computer with his / her own credentials. Topology is the framework of any network. Star topology is recommended for the current network design. It is the most widely adopted topology. The star topology supports the centralized provision of network resources and services. The support staff can manage the network administrative and troubleshooting tasks centrally. Star topology helps to implement centralized security architecture for improved and enhanced security of the network. The network implementation cost can be saved by provisioning the core systems located centrally. The security controls and backup systems are also located centrally for better troubleshooting and management. Data communication network requires a carrier for transportation of data. A simple definition is available on ‘www.’ that says â€Å"A T-1 line is a dedicated data line that transmits data at the speed of 1.544 megabits per second (mbps). This translates to a speed that is 27 times faster than a 56k dial-up modem, which means that multiple people can access the Internet simultaneously†. T1 consists of total 24 channels that can be used as 24 different channels for voice or data. However, 24 simultaneously logical connections can be established. A dedicated T1 line can support up to 50 to 100 users on the network. The dedicated T1 carrier is implemented to synchronize traffic within the two remote sites for Calling You Inc. Furthermore, another carrier is requisite for internal communication of the network. Data transmission is conducted on a Category 5 cables for the current network design. CAT-5 is in the form of twisted pairs. However, the cable consists of 4 copper wire pairs, connecting the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Significant Importance of E-Commerce Security Research Paper

Significant Importance of E-Commerce Security - Research Paper Example In today’s dynamic world companies spent heavily on their IT departments for the technical support to smoothly run their e-commerce activities. Companies even develop e-commerce strategies to reduce the  cost of the business, expand sales and increase customer services and satisfaction in the long run. (Ghosh, 2001; Khosrowpour, 2004; Smith, 2004) The introduction of e-commerce into businesses has widened the scope of all business activities. Due to increasing use of e-commerce by the businesses and customers, it is now essential to provide a secure structure of e-commerce. Unfortunately, the current internet security policies don’t support these needs. In order to gain a competitive edge in the market company needs to adopt a security policy which caters the needs of everyone involved in the e-commerce process. (Al-Slamy, 2008) The businesses operating widely over e-commerce don’t want to lose their customers due to risks involved in using online services. Sol id security measures are now needed to run the businesses effectively and safely. (Oswald, 2005) E-Commerce in Organizations: In most organizations e-commerce total security programs are installed to protect firm’s resources and e-commerce operations. Such programs are necessary for e-commerce survival and their effectiveness in the organization. Such programs are kept updated and management practices and latest technologies are incorporated from time to time. (Khosrowpour, 2004) E-commerce is widely used for many business purposes like product research, order entry; customer’s related matters like support, services, communication, inquiry, invoicing etc., outbound and inbound logistics. E-commerce has revolutionized not only businesses but every aspect of life - the world is now a click away. (Smith, 2004) E-commerce system and related threats: Developing an e-commerce system is a challenging and crucial step to any organization. The initial process would be to conduc t a research regarding the importance of e-commerce program to the organization and impact of e-commerce on the long-term profitability. Leadership and commitment to upper management in the implementation of the e-commerce is essential. The next step is developing a privacy policy for the organization that outlines privacy issues, the sensitivity of information and purchasing guidelines. The next step would be to assess risks imposed by the system regarding its security, both internally and externally. It is often seen that identifying internal threats is difficult compared to external ones. For the purpose, many software packages are available and are installed in order to ensure that the system is safeguarded against the internal and external threats. (Khosrowpour, 2004; Epstein, 2004) An organization can face many problems due to poor security in e-commerce systems. An e-commerce continuity plan is extremely important which provides the outline to deal and prevent any problems in the system. The basic security step is the use of anti-virus programs and firewalls installation. The risks usually faced by an e-commerce system include loss of data due to fire or explosion or any other accident, intentional destruction and theft of hardware and software or important documents, loss of key e-commerce security personnel, loss of communication, vendors and technology etc.  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Failure and Error analysis Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Failure and Error analysis - Term Paper Example Lastly, acknowledged from the cases is the fact that what leads to failure are leadership, material, tools, and environment and should all be looked into when designing a product in the engineering discipline (Delatte 1-12). Many factors contribute to human error in their daily operation, which include high pressure at work, complexities in technicality tasks, and the environmental disposition. By anticipating human factors principles and research based on a systematic collection of data, does aid in coming up with improved control systems, high quality of information, and enhanced human resource management, which all add up to human safety. The most common cause of errors from human operation according to Brosnan (2008) is the negligence attributed to incompetence, which I have felt in my actions. In addition, ignorance, having an oversight amidst greed contributes to failure (Brosnan 11). Disorganization of the leadership structure breaks communication channel and flow of information and leads to misuse, abuse, and neglect, which breaks down the smooth operation hence attracting failure. Types of errors that exist are the bounded, imperfect and reluctant rationality errors, which all are either indivi dual or collective error in engineering. Errors are also adverse or mild and require to be noted during design to avoid catastrophic accidents. 2000-commonwealth Avenue, 1971 is an engineering error that occurred, and I relate to it personally. The licensing of engineering work in any organization, institution and level of work is crucial (Delatte 1-3). The overseer bodies, which ensure that designs are well-elaborated and meet standards, require that the best practices be adhered. According to the Brosnan (2008) categorization, the issues here were unsafe acts and supervision (Brosnan 13). In addition, the individual errors committed become collective and led to the catastrophe as experienced. From the incidence, leadership, skills, and licensing

Road user charging Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Road user charging - Essay Example has resulted in resistance from the public, for further increase in taxes.      Therefore the governments have considered various alternatives to meet this infrastructure cost, since the economic development of the country hinges on the development of the infrastructure.   There are various attributes to road transportation such as distance in traveling, size and weights of the vehicles and the loads the vehicle carry, parking, peak hour timings, types of fuel used, traffic level, etc.   Developments in technology in the meantime, made the measurement of the usage with reference to various attributes, easier.   The equipments made available to the transport development authorities, research in transport and logistics sector, development of Global Positioning System (GPS),use wireless data technology (GPRS), etc. have refined the system of measurement.   This gave way to a new system to charge based on the usage of highways by various categories of the vehicles.   The charges based on distances traveled are in vogue in many countries, as it is felt mor e relevant, easier to implement and control.   Establishment of toll gates and installation of new equipments and systems at the convenient entry points is also a part of the development.   Ã‚  Ã‚      A comprehensive study has been made with reference to levy of charges, the purpose of levy, its justifications and implications.   It is also to study the real intention of the government in introducing congestion area charging, and the efficacy of the scheme in addressing the needs or problems of the society, and to recommend the steps required to be taken to achieve the goal or objective.   Road use results in damage of the roads, congestions on account of traffic, pollution on account of emissions and accidents apart from normal wear and tear associated with the climatic conditions such as snow and rains. Pricing of road is a complex phenomenon.   Every form of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Macroeconomic Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Macroeconomic Paper - Essay Example Homeowners increasingly use them to refinance and consolidate household debts when their credit scores fall in the wake of bankruptcy, high medical bills, or other setbacks. (Blanton). It is generally believed that the subprime borrowers emerge due to lack of the good credit history on their back and since there number grew historically therefore banks and financial institutions by spotting the opportunity started lending to them at higher interest rates due to the perceived risks involved in these subprime loans. Having defined what subprime mortgages are, this article has articulately put forward the theory of predictable surprise in order to discuss the clues which the economic trends in US suggested specially after the collapse of dot com companies during 1990s. Due to the lack of policy attention by the government especially FED, the lowered interest rates in the economy created an inflated housing markets which thrived on the equity cushion created through the artificial and speculative surge in the market. The consequences of such behavior helped create a predictable surprise in the economy. Article has further discussed the role of securitization and its impact on the economy as a whole. The securitization through financial derivatives produced the results which authors predicted in their theory of predictable surprises. With the advent of innovation into the financial industry, Financial Derivatives provided a very efficient and effective tool to the financial managers to effectively manage these kinds of risks. However, financial derivatives itself are considered as detrimental if their use is made in more superficial way. Banks, in order to recoup the lost liquidity drained into the subprime mortgage loans have securitized them against the payments and real estate properties offered as securities in those mortgage loans. The process of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Arthashastra Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Arthashastra - Term Paper Example That is why, over two thousand four hundred years ago, Kautilya authored this historic publication. Through the authorship of the Arthashastra, he enabled the inception of the Gupta Dynasty. Since then, the Arthashastra has stood the test of time and has passed the test of credibility. This man, through his writing, demonstrated vision and foresight. If we share from the wisdom that Kautilya embodied, we will be enriching ourselves. This paper is going to address the following issues concerning the Arthashastra, they are, the authorship, translation of the title, books of Arthashastra, the Rajarshi, maintenance of law and order, wildlife and forests and finally the economic ideas in the Arthashastra. The History of Arthashastra Its origin It is believed that the Arthashastra was written in the period around 2nd century BC. This is according to R.P. Kangle on his writing about the Kautilya Arthashastra. However, the current content that we know may have been edited and condensed in th e 2nd century A.D. This explains why some affinities and references in it may be anachronistic for the fourth century BC. Other scholars hold the belief that it was authored in the 7th century BC. There had been claims that the Arthashastra had been authored by two different people, namely, Kautilya and Chanukah.1 However, these claims tend to de disapproved by the fact that the treatise ends with the following words. â€Å"This Sastra has been made by him from whom intolerance (of misrule) quickly rescued the scriptures and the science of weapons and the earth which had passed to the Nanda ‘king.† From that statement by Thomas R. Trautmann, it can easily be deduced that Kautilya and Chanukah are the same person, because Chanukah was mandated with mentorship to Chandragupta Maurya. This however did not eliminate the controversy over Kautilya’s sole authorship of the Arthashastra. In a nut shell, as regards its authorship, most scholars agree that it happened betw een the 7th century BC and 4th century AD. However, it became influential in the 12th century when it became influential, when it disappeared. It was then discovered in 1904 and published in 1909. The first English translation was published nearly a hundred years ago. Its translation The Arthashastra has had different translations done by various scholars including A.L. Basham, D.D. Katsambis, G.P. Singh and Roger Boesche. Each of these has accorded the publication a different title although with closely related meaning. According to Boesche, the Arthashastra is â€Å"a book of political realism, analyzing how the political world does work and not very often stating how it should work, a book that frequently discloses to a king what calculating and sometimes brutal measures he must carry out to preserve the state and the common good.† One reason why this scholar defined this publication in such a manner was because of the argument in it that described how an efficient and sol id economy can be managed. In it, the ethics of economics and the duties and obligations of a king are clearly stipulated. The Arthashastra dealt with a wide range of issues regarding the running of a kingdom. It laid out the policies of administration, the redistribution of wealth, handling of the natural resources, taking good care of animals, medicine and the important of medicine on society. The books of Arthashastra According to Rangareajan, the Arthashastra is divided into 15 books. They are named as follows: concerning the Discipline,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Moral Relativism and Plato’s Euthyphro Essay

Moral Relativism and Plato’s Euthyphro - Essay Example The area of application for the relative truth is completely a matter of individual belief and may not apply to anything else further. It can be one’s perception or a view of a general significance to a general situation. The idea of relative truth is also subjected to a myriad criticism. The first great critic of relativism was Plato himself. He criticized the views of â€Å"Sophist Protagoras† in his book ‘Thaetetus’. Relativism largely destroys distinction between the truth and the belief. With relative truth, the problem of negation also arises; if everyone differs with their respective belief then no one comes to any common solution or agreement. Under these circumstances, learning becomes vague and one moves away from truth. According to Hilary Putnam, relativism makes it almost impossible to accept that one is wrong or one can commit an error. If there is an absence of complete truth beyond the belief of an individual, then an individual would not be able to able to uphold their own beliefs into an error, false or mistake. Perceptional difference is essential but in some places acceptance of negation is equally demanding. This is the area which is completely nullified when it comes to relative truth and there lies the greatest limitation of the theory. Moral relativism is an umbrella term that encompasses various views and arguments possessed by people from different cultures. Moral relativism is again of several kinds namely: Descriptive Relativism, Meta-ethical Relativism and Normative Relativism. Moral relativism sometimes describes the positive or descriptive positioning of the existence of right course of deed under the circumstance when the fact gathered, and the similar consequence probably seems to arise. This concept of Moral Relativism falls under the category of Descriptive Relativism. The next contention about the idea is the ‘semantic’ and the ‘epistemic’, positioning that all moral

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Health Policy Delivery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Health Policy Delivery - Essay Example Stakeholders include the government, private healthcare providers such as hospitals, health plans, office-based clinicians, industry groups or the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device manufacturers and marketers, professional associations, industry and trade associations, advocacy groups, and consumers (Donaldson and Gerard, 1993). In the policy process, UK health policy encompass knowledge and effects on the networks between national government systems, arm's length bodies, the NHS, patient groups and charities, as well as information and processes in the Demand-side reform, Supply side reform, Transactional reform, Regulation or the Healthcare Commission, NICE, Therapy knowledge of gastroenterology, dermatology, cardiovascular medicine, anti-infective, sleep medicine, pain management, palliative care, oncology and neurology, identifying and utilising opportunities arising from non-medical prescribing, effective collaboration with patient groups, medical societies and Royal Colleges, managing national and regional guideline programmes producing timely responses and positive outcomes, knowledge of controlled drugs legislation, implications for commercial teams and preparation of submissions for Home Office consultations, knowledge of the NHS changing environment and incorporation into business plans and strate gic marketing, Parliamentary lobbying - understanding the process, networking and influencing, submissions to Government organisations including the Home Office and Health Select Committee (Donaldson and Gerard, 1993). A policy is a deliberate plan of action that guide decision-makers in order to achieve rational outcomes that apply to governments, the private sector, organisations and groups as well as individuals (Jenkins, 1978). Policy could also refer to the process of making important organizational decisions, such as the identification of different alternative programs or spending priorities, or choosing among a list on the basis of the impact or result they will have. These can be political, management, financial, and administrative mechanisms arranged to reach explicit goals and objectives (Birkland, 2001). Birkland (1995) have pointed out that while "the study of politics has a long history, the systematic study of public policy, on the other hand, can be said to be a twentieth century creation. It dates, according to Daniel McCool, to 1922, when political scientist Charles Merriam sought to connect the theory and practices of politics to understanding the actual activities of government, that is public policy," (p.4). In most instances, according to Bridgman and Davis (2004), the eight step policy cycle includes: 1. Issue identification - In this process, emerging problems are identified, although

Monday, July 22, 2019

Existentialism is a Humanism Essay Example for Free

Existentialism is a Humanism Essay In Existentialism is a Humanism, Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980) presents an accessible description of existentialism. A key idea of existentialism—and of the human condition— is that existence precedes essence. The essence of something is its meaning, its intended purpose. A paper cutter is made to cut paper; that is its point. Humans, however, do not have an essence. Man exists, turns up, appears on the scene, and, only afterwards, defines himself. We have no greater purpose, no pre-determined plan, no ultimate meaning. We have, in Sartre’s words, no human nature, since there is nothing (e.g. God) outside of us which would conceive of it for us. We are simply here, and it is up to us to define ourselves. Responsibility Man is nothing else but what he makes of himself. We have choice, we have subjectivity, and we choose what we will make ourselves to be; we are entirely responsible for our existence: Thus, existentialism’s first move is to make every man aware of what he is and to make the full responsibility of his existence rest on him. This thought is often not easily accepted. ‘Subjectivity’ is a word that riles up many. â€Å"If everything is subjective then nothing is objective; nothing is absolute! Our values are nothing more than our whims! Nothing is right or wrong! Rabble, rabble, rabble!† Sartre replies that, â€Å"it is impossible for man to transcend human subjectivity.† He isn’t saying â€Å"I prefer subjectivity over objectivity,† he’s asking, â€Å"how can we possibly not be subjective?† Even the religious individual who believes that morality is absolute and comes from God must, at some point, choose to bel ieve that this is the case. Our responsibility is a blessing and a curse. It leads us to feel things like anguish, forlornness, and despair. Anguish We experience anguish in the face of our subjectivity, because by choosing what we are to do, we ‘choose for everyone’. When you make a decision you are saying â€Å"this is how anyone ought to behave given these circumstances.† Many people don’t feel anguish, but this is because they are â€Å"fleeing from it.† If you don’t feel a sense of anxiety when you make decisions, it’s because you are forgetting about your â€Å"total and deep responsibility† toward yourself and all of humanity. Forlornness Forlornness is the idea that â€Å"God does not exist and that we have to face all the consequences of this.† There is no morality a priori. There is no absolute right or wrong. There is no ultimate judge. This is a very distressing idea. As Dostoievsky said, â€Å"If God didn’t exist, everything would be possible [permissible].† Without God we have nothing to cling to. â€Å"There is no determinism, man is free, man is freedom. [] We have no values or commands to turn to which legitimize our conduct.† In other words, we have no excuses, and we are entirely responsible for our decisions. What are our values? The only way to determine them is to make a decision. At the end of the day, your ideals aren’t what matter; what matters is what you actually did. Despair Despair arises because we only have power to change things that are within our power to change—and there is a lot we cannot change. Reality is impartial and out of your control, except for small aspects of it here and there. We despair because we can never have full control of the future. What Will Happen Will Happen Tomorrow, after my death, some men may decide to set up Fascism, and the others may be cowardly and muddled enough to let them do it. Fascism will then be the human reality, so much the worse for us. Regardless of what is right or wrong, good or bad, and regardless of whether these are absolutes or not, â€Å"things will be as man will have decided they are to be.† What will happen will happen and humanity will be entirely responsible for what it does. Does this mean we ought to become passively accepting of what will happen? Sartre says the exact opposite. Does that mean that I should abandon myself to quietism? No. [] Quietism is the attitude of people who say, â€Å"Let others do what I can’t do.† The doctrine I am presenting is the very opposite of quietism, since it declares, â€Å"There is no reality except in action.† Moreover, it goes further, since it adds, â€Å"Man is nothing else than his plan; he exists only to the extent that he fulfills himself; he is therefore nothing else than the ensemble of his acts, nothing else than his life. No Excuses This is why existentialism horrifies some people. It puts such a burden of responsibility squarely on their shoulders. They can’t stand to think they were at fault for not being a great or successful person, for having no great friendships or love. They think they are the victim of circumstances; they haven’t had the proper education, leisure, or incentives; they haven’t found the right person yet; they haven’t had the opportunity to show their greatness. Sartre, however, says that â€Å"The coward makes himself cowardly, the hero makes himself heroic.† The artist is an artist because of the works of art he created, not because of what he could have created. The mathematician is famous for the math he did, not what he maybe could have done. We find that this is â€Å"a harsh thought to someone whose life hasn’t been a success.† We are responsible for our successes and failures. But at the same time, this harshness forces us to face the incredibly important fact that: Reality alone is what counts. Sartre sees these views not as a pessimism, but as an â€Å"optimistic toughness.† Optimistic in that we are the rulers of our lives; our destiny is within our hands; we are encouraged to take action. Sartre summarizes his idea of optimism and action in the following passage. Thus, I think we have answered a number of the charges concerning existentialism. You see that it can not be taken for a philosophy of quietism, since it defines man in terms of action; nor for a pessimistic description of man—there is no doctrine more optimistic, since man’s destiny is within himself; nor for an attempt to discourage man from acting, since it tells him that the only hope is in his acting and that action is the only thing that enables a man to live. Is Choice Arbitrary? Sartre ends this piece with a further defence of subjectivism, in which I wish he had gone into a little more detail. He says people are still not satisfied with the idea of subjectivism, and objections usually come in one of the following forms: 1. â€Å"Well then, you’re able to do anything, no matter what! You’re promoting anarchy!† But this isn’t the point. It is not possible to not choose. In not making a choice you are still choosing not to choose. Choice is inescapable; we are â€Å"condemned to be free† because we are human, whether or not we are existentialists. 2. â€Å"You can’t pass judgement on others, because there’s no reason to prefer one idea to another!† We can still hold values, and values appear out of the choices we make. Through our actions (as an individual and as a group), we create ethics. 3. â€Å"Everything about your choice is arbitrary!† We define ourselves through our actions, â€Å"in relationship to involvement.† And as we make ourselves—as we make choices—it is absurd to say we are choosing arbitrarily.

Newell Convers Wyeth Essay Example for Free

Newell Convers Wyeth Essay Newell Convers Wyeth was one of the famous men in America during his time. This is because he was considered as one of the greatest American illustrators. He was the first to set the pace amongst the three generations of Wyeth artists. However, he was not only an illustrator but a painter as well. The work he did has become historical and is celebrated in many galleries, museums and publications as well as in other artist venues across the globe (Howell, par 1). Throughout his life, he was doing very well as an illustrator thus becoming very famous. N. C died in Chadds Ford in 1945 through an accident (Brandy Wine Conservancy 3). Wyeth gained national recognition as a result of his Scribner’s Classic Children’s Books like The Yearling, Robinson Crusoe, The Last of the Mohicans, Kidnapped, and Treasure Island among others. Wyeth believed that the deepest happiness a person can experience comes from living a simple life, and also treasuring the beauty and bounty of land and sea. Quite a number of Wyeth’s paintings were based on his feelings and own experiences. This was usually as a result of the memories of his parent’s farm where he grew up (Highlights for Children, par 1-8). N. C Wyeth started drawing when he was a child. He was being encouraged by the mother who helped him nature his gift. He began working for a magazine called the Saturday Evening Post when he was only 20years. Soon after this, his fame began to spread and his work published in other leading magazines like Harper’s weekly, Century, and Scribner’s among others (Nila McCann Spring). Despite the fact that Wyeth was an illustrator, he yearned to be known as a painter as well. The difference between the two was that illustration carried a pejorative connotation that Wyeth felt keenly all his life. In addition, regardless of the fact that commissioned work earned him income to support his family, he tried to run away from the confines of textual limitations, taking up personal paintings like landscapes, still lives and portraits. He moved from lyrical landscapes, which had an impressive style, to powerful portraits of fishermen that evoke the work of the American Regionalist artists. Nonetheless, he never attained personal satisfaction or the recognition that he wanted (Brandy Wine Conservancy 2). Wyeth was able to make three trips, between 1904 and 1906, to West America. This was after Wyeth recognized the value of Pyle’s instructions in his career. Pyle was one of the most renowned illustrators from Howard Pyle School of Art where Wyeth had joined then. During the period of the trip, he spent much of his time taking up the experience that enabled him to paint images. The painted images would allow him to come up very well and be among the top greatest illustrators during his error. Wyeth had managed to herald in Outing Magazines by 1907. He was one of the greatest painters of American outdoor life (Brandywines Conservancy 1). Early Life Nowell Convers was born on 22nd October, 1882 in a place called Needham, Massachusetts. His mother was the daughter of Swiss immigrants while his father was a descendant of the first Wyeth to arrive in the New World in the mid-17th century. His growing up in a farm made him develop a deep love for nature. He began his artistic inclinations at a very young age and the mother encouraged it. However, his father opposed this since he wanted him to use his talent more practically. He attended Mechanic Arts High School in Boston up to May 1899, where he concentrated on drafting. Through the support of his mother, he was able to transfer to Massachusetts Normal Art School and through the help and guidance of his instructor Richard Andrew; he took the line of illustration (Brandywine Conservancy 1). Wyeth married Carolyn Bockus in 1906. They met after he completed his learning under Pyle. They gave birth to five children whose names are Nat, Carolyn, Ann and Andrew. Some of these children resembled his father in his work of illustration and painting. They picked up talents for one art form or another, ranging from composing music to teaching art lessons and also to inventing (Howell, par. 3-4). N. C Wyeth trained his son Andrew through home schooling in 1932. This was after he realized that his health was failing. There were several challenges that came with school administration and also the expense of teaching his son from home. However, Wyeth managed to complete his son’s education as his teacher. After that, Andrew Wyeth continued to work under his father’s artistic guidance in their home in Maine which was named after the famous Winslow Home painting (Howell, par. 6). N. C Wyeth’s Work Wyeth is the perhaps the best and is remembered for his illustrations of other children classics done for Scribner’s. He gained national recognition with his illustrations for the book Treasured Island by Robert Louis Stevenson in 1911. He composed American stories and themes from carpetbaggers to Indians. He used color and romantic imagery brilliantly and this combined with his close attention to historical detail, enables his artwork gain a lasting place in the lexicon of American illustration. The love he had for America in-terms of its individuality and landscapes is evident in his works; that is, from the Old West to the Brandywine Hill. This was a country of Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania. It is said that his boldness and sometimes massive artwork expressed his ‘largeness of spirit’. He is also said to have painted murals on a heroic scale by one of the biographers (New World Encyclopedia, par 2-4). He managed to complete over three thousand works during his career. Being an illustrator, some of his famous works included publications like Kidnapped, Tom Sawyer, Treasure Island and Robin Hood. Between 1925 and 1935, he completed some of his most exhilarating pieces of work, among which were several experimental pieces that were seen as heroic compared to his commissioned work (Howell, par 2). The success of Treasured Island insured Wyeth along his career. Scribner’s illustrated many classic stories in his succeeding years. The most famous titles are; â€Å"kidnapped (1913), The Black Arrow (1916), The Boy’s King Arthur (1917), The Mysterious Island (1918), The Last of the Mohicans (1919), The Deer slayer (1925) and The Yearling (1939). † In addition, he created illustrations for other publishers. Examples of such books are Robin Hood by David McKay(1917), Robinson Crusoe by Cosmopolitan (1920), Rip VanWinkle by David McKay (1921), Men of Concord by Houghton-Mifflin (1936) and Trending Into Maine by Little Brown (1938) (Howell, par. 2). Books like Treasured Island and Robinson Crusoe by N. C Wyeth are the most historical and famous. They also have a maritime adventure and an Island as a center element of their schemes. In addition, the historical language used in every one of them is similar as well as one of the same nautical terminology like stern, bow and aft among others. This is utilized because of the aforementioned similarities (Enotes, par1-3). Checking closely, the characters in these two books are alike only in the most basic ways. In Robinson Crusoe, for example, Crusoe is a male just as are Long John Silver and Hawkins. In addition, both central character are seamen and in the case of Hawkins, they were trying to become such. On the desolate island, young Jim Hawkins is trying to survive as a lone boy in the world of men just as Crusoe tries. On the other hand, both books are written by male authors and that the masculinity tone is seen in both books. In this case, as one reads these books, each story helps them to gain a perspective into the oceangoing world of the past. May be a better comparison could be drawn between Stevenson’s in Kidnapped and Defoe’s in Robinson Crusoe because there are better similarities existing in these books (Enotes, par. 2-3). His work also contains religious paintings. For example in 1923, he is said to have been commissioned by the Unitarian Layman’s League to do a series of paintings which included ‘The Parables of Jesus’. His most superb religious work that consisted of three hinged panels painted for the Chapel of the Holy Spirit at the Nations Cathedral in Washington D. C seems to be welcoming believers. It consisted of Jesus surrounded by a host of heavenly angels. The wordings are, â€Å"Come unto Me, All Ye that Labor and Are Heavy Laden, and I Will Give You Rest† (New World Encyclopedia, par. 13). His other works included; Mowing (1907), Long John Silver and Hawkins (1911), The Fence Builders (1915), September Afternoon (1918), Dying Winter (1934), The Alchemist (1938), Deep Cover Lobsterman (1939), The war Letter (1944) and the Nightfall (1945) (New World Encyclopedia, par. 23). Assessment of N. C Wyeth’s Work It was appropriate for Wyeth to start his work at his young age. One of the reasons is because he was able to leave an impact after he died in that his work is still remembered to date. He also was able to raise his son Andrew as his successor and the son become famous too because he was doing very well. It was also of importance to begin his work at an early age since he was able to publish so many books like Treasured Island and Robinson Crusoe (Amazon Par. 1-3). In addition, this golden age work of Wyeth played an important role in uplifting and pursuing work in illustration. The period of golden age work was also recognized for unparalleled brilliance in publication of journal art which had not been seen before. Also N. C Wyeth plus other students were able to carry on Howard Pyle’s work and this also brings out the importance of his beginning work at a young age (Jo Ang, par 4-5). N. C Wyeth was also able to perfect his work over time by starting his career at a young age and this enabled him to gain fame in America and other nations too. The fame is evident in his created images for magazine advertisements and calendars, painting for big companies like Wheat Company, Coca-Cola, Blue Buckle Overalls, Steinway Sons, New York Life Insurance among other (Brandy wine Conservancy 3). Conclusion Wyeth is remembered since he was one of the greatest illustrators in America and who created nearly 4,000 works during his golden age from 1903 to 1945 when he died. However he never achieved the personal satisfaction or public recognition that he wanted. N. C Wyeth gained national recognition as a result of his Scribner’s Classic Children’s Books like The Yearling, Robinson Crusoe, The Last of the Mohicans, Kidnapped, and Treasure Island among others. All these books are read even to date. Work cited Amazon. com. 1996-2010. The Amazon. com Review, 2010. Web. 15 May 2010 http://www. amazon. com/N-Wyeth-Biography-David-Michaelis/dp/0679426264. Brandy wine Conservancy. N. C. Wyeth Biography. Brandywine River Museum, 2009. Web. 14 March, 2010, http://www. ncwyeth. org/ncbio. htm. Enotes. com, Inc. Treasure Island and Robinson Crusoe, 2010. Web. 15 May, 2010, http://www. enotes. com/robinson-crusoe/q-and-a/can-anyone-help-me-compare-novels-comparison-22097

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Geographic Profiling of Serial Offenders

Geographic Profiling of Serial Offenders As psychological profiling seems to garner all the attention with television shows that feature FBI profilers, one should be reminded that there is another method of criminal profiling that, while less glamorous, seems to provide a very high degree of reliability. The ‘other’ method is geographic profiling that had it beginnings in a London crime spree involving a serial rapist. In these cases occurring in the mid-1990’s, stumped police called in David Canter, Professor of Psychology at the University of Surrey to assist. After analyzing crime data superimposed over a map, Professor Canter made the suggestion that the perpetrator was to be found in a very specific geographic area based upon these furloughs of crime (Wilson 2002, pp. 14-16). Subsequent retroactive studies have confirmed a number of precepts regarding the proposition that one can predict the â€Å"base† of criminals from computerized algorithms that use generally one of two validated heuristic methods. In fact, of the area defined by a â€Å"search† algorithm that states that is inclusive of a circle defined by the two furthermost crime scenes, fully 51% of the serial rapist offenders lived within the first 5% of the defined area and an overwhelming lived within 87% of the first 25% of the defined search area (Canter, Coffey, Huntley, Missen 2000, p. 457). This algorithm holds regardless of the crime as indicated by the table below (Canter, et al 2000, p. 458): In addition to the â€Å"circle† algorithm described above, another method utilized is the â€Å"Decay† method with analyzes data from the assumption that perpetrators commit crimes near where they live. This method is based upon the idea that crimes ‘decay’ as the distance to the criminal’s residence decrease, in effect, creating something of a ‘buffer zone’ immediately surrounding their house (Snook, Taylor, Bennell 2004, p. 107; Canter, Coffey, Huntley, Missen 2000, pp. 459-460). Somewhat against these two algorithms are the approximately 10% of perpetrators that are labeled as â€Å"commuters† and do not live near the crime scene (Snook, Taylor, Bennell 2004, p. 117). Nevertheless, in these cases as in the easier to classify â€Å"marauder†-type crimes, there is the idea that criminals operate from a base of familiarity such as a home or workplace or other personally significant locale or the route that connects them. While focusing on geography, this brings into the consideration the important psychological construct of â€Å"mental maps† in that the location must have significance from the perspective of the perpetrator†¦ it need not be an actual geographic landmark to have psychological significance that plays out geo-centrically (Holmes Holmes 1996, p. 152). As such it is no surprise that both methods are reliable and that there is a significant degree of overlap in the two model predictions. Of greater interests to both researchers and law enforcement are â€Å"serious† crimes such as murder, rape, arson and burglary. While there is likely a logical high correlation between other ‘petty’ crimes such as speeding tickets or parking violations due to the correlates of where one most spends time is of course most likely a location where there is a high likelihood of violation. With regards to the applicability of the model with regards to even serious crimes, the model is based upon serial crimes, that is, a perpetrator who does so multiple times. Research suggests that as criminals gain â€Å"experience† there is a statistically significant correlation with the distance from home the criminal is (Snook 2004, p. 53). Further, in regards to burglary, there is the additional significant correlation of the value of the crime with the distance traveled to commit the crime (Snook 2004, p. 55). While difficult to put a value on personal crimes, this find ing may extend to crimes such as murder, arson or rape in which it is conceivable that victims could have some relative value to the criminal, similar to the monetary value gained from burglary. Such a concept may partially explain that, as these types of criminal gain experience, they tend to venture out further from their base as they commit additional predatory crimes. In terms of geographical profiling and the case in which an investigator believes that a number of crimes have been committed by a single person, this has special significance as it can serve to focus the hunt for the offender in the vicinity of the first few crimes (Holmes Holmes 1996, p. 155). Of particular interest is that these methods can be utilized without the computer or complex mathematical algorithms. Studies indicated that, in lieu of years or experience or ‘gut feelings’, incorporating these methods simply as heuristic models whose basic precepts can be taught in a class, students can nearly equal the computerized version (Snook, Canter, Bennel 2002, pp. 116-117). Though all law enforcement operates with the goal of catching the perpetrator, authorities do not have unlimited resources of time or finances to investigate all leads thoroughly. Geographical profiling also serves to focus the attention and other resources of an investigative department into the area in which validated statistics indicate there is is a pay-off. By using these methods, search costs can be minimized and offender can be apprehended faster, ideally prior to the accumulation of an additional victim that shows up as a simply data point on a geographic profile (Canter, Coffey, Huntley, Missen 2000, pp. 459-460). Works Consulted Canter, D., T. Coffey, M. Huntley, C. Missen. (2000). â€Å"Predicting Serial Killers’ Home Base Using a Decision Support System†. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, (16), 4, pp. 457-478. Holmes, R. S. Holmes. (1996). Profiling Violent Crimes: An Investigative Tool, 2nd Edition. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, California. Snook, B., P. Taylor, C. Bennell. (2004). â€Å"Geographic Profiling: The Fast, Frugal and Accurate Way†. Applied Cognitive Psychology, (18), pp. 105-121. Snook, B., D. Canter, C. Bennel. (2002). Predicting the Home Location of Serial Offenders: A Preliminary Comparison of the Accuracy of Human Judges with a Geographic Profiling System†. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, (20), pp. 109-118. Snook, B. (2004). â€Å"Individual Differences in Distance Traveled by Serial Burglars†. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, (1), pp. 53-66. Wilson, J. (2002, November). â€Å"Mapping Murder†. Geographical, (74), pp. 14-17.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

The Effect of Religion On The Arab Springs Movement Neil Gallagher Beal 2/12/14 My paper analyzes the role of religious intolerance on the Arab Springs. My first two articles discuss trends of religious intolerance and categorize the Arab Springs countries based on their levels of tolerance. Secondly, I define religious tolerance by analyzing a country that is considered religiously intolerant and one that is not. By comparing these two cases I create a concrete definition of a religiously tolerant country and one that is not tolerant. Thirdly, I analyze Egypt and compare it with the rest of the Arab Springs Countries in. Fourthly, I analyze the root causes of the Arab Springs Movement. Lastly, I analyze the effect of religion on the Arab Springs revolution, and the events that came after. 1. Arab Spring And Its Effect On Religious Tolerance. Chicago Citation: Brian J. Grim, â€Å"Rising Tide of Restrictions on Religion, Pew, September 20 2012, After the end of Arab Spring there was a large desire to persuade governments to create more religiously tolerant law’s. This is in part because religion was one of the issues that sparked revolutions throughout the Arab world. According to previous pew research, there is a strong correlation between religious intolerance and social revolution.( Grim, 2013) Currently, many of the countries that are experiencing revolution are labeled by pew religiously intolerant countries. These countries include Egypt, Yemen, Syria Iraq, Afghanistan and Sudan. However, according to a 2012 study done by pew, despite this correlation, countries did not become more, but less religiously ... ...mpante, 168) Another key factor in Arab springs is economic inequality and its association with education level. ( Campante, 171) As stated above the individuals inside Arab Spring countries were intelligent, however they were unable to obtain economic success in their respective countries. ( Campante, 171) The Arab Spring countries were some of the most economically unequal countries in the world. The economic policy of the Countries rewarded the friends of the king and left the majority impoverished. The education that was supplied toward the Arabs was not able to prepare them for the current economic atmosphere of the Arab countries. ( Campante, 171) This agitated the general population and made them even more likely to rebel against the current governmental structure. I will use this source to help analyze the factors that caused the Arab Spring revolution.

Friday, July 19, 2019

A Guide to the Internet for First Year Female Penn State Altoona Students :: Internet Process Essays

A Guide to the Internet for First Year Female Penn State Altoona Students Logging onto the Internet for the first time can be overwhelming. Moving away to college as a freshman, male or female, can also be extremely overwhelming. Although most of us have had experience with using the Internet before entering college, for some young women both of these experiences come along all at once. The purpose of this booklet is to help first year college women at Penn State Altoona have a better understanding of a few concepts regarding the Internet. SUGGESTIONS FOR INTERNET USE Use gender-neutral screen names and user identification names as an easy way to avoid unwanted interactions. For example, use your user id that Penn State assigns to you. Mine is aes215, which, as you can see, does not indicate whether aes is male or female. This allows you to complete work undistracted by messages and information unrelated to your sex. Don’t use, hotchick85 for a user id. This apparently attracts unwanted advances from the opposite sex. Display only necessary information on online profiles that can be seen by the public. For example, use only a first initial with your last name. Don’t have your telephone number and address readily available to anyone who can view your profile. This is asking for advances from men who are searching for that specific criterion. Take some courses, either privately or from Penn State, to expand your knowledge of how the Internet works. If you are unfamiliar with the way Penn State’s network operates, ask for help to learn the basics. After you learn the basics everything else will come much easier to you. It will take some work, but you will know how to navigate the necessary applications that all Penn State students must use at one point or another. Try to limit your time on the Internet and computer as well, especially when you are first learning how to navigate the programs. Take frequent breaks to stand up and walk around. Stretch and get a drink of water. The longer you sit in front of a computer screen the easier it is to become frustrated. Your eyes become tired and your body will become sore. As time consuming as it may seem, taking ten minute breaks every so often during your Internet use will actually allow you to get your project done faster. These breaks will prevent boredom and frustration in the long run.

A New Way of Teaching Essay -- Education, teachers

There are three different stages in education. Primary Education starts in Preschool and goes all the way up to 6th grade. Teachers in the Elementary School teach students the basic subjects that will prepare them for the next stage. The second stage and probably the most important stage is Secondary Education that starts in 7th grade and goes all the way up to 12th grade. Throughout these grades students start to learn more advanced subjects, most of which they need so that they can get an idea of what they want to do for a future career after they graduate. As a Secondary Education teacher it is their job to prepare their students for the final stage in education which is Higher Education, if the student is planning on attending a college or university. They introduce them to many new subjects that can give them an idea of what they are interested in so that choosing a future career is easier. The most important part of being a high school teacher however is preparing their studen ts for adulthood. They have to get the students to realize that after high school they are the ones that have to decide their future. A high school teacher guides their students towards achieving their goals and motivates them to further their knowledge so that they can become successful in life. Ultimately the teacher must realize that once the student graduates it is his/her choice on what they want to do with their life. The only thing the teacher can hope for is that the student learned something from and uses it to become successful. Students that want to further their knowledge will enter the third and final stage of education which is Higher Education. In this stage the student attends either a college or university and chooses a specific care... ...w to learn different teaching styles so that class is not boring. By mixing the classroom up a little bit each time it can be a really successful class. Students should look up to their teachers because in the end they should realize that they are only trying to help them achieve their goals and help them prepare for what is to come in the future. I believe that the greatest gifts we can give our children are the same kind of values these teachers demonstrate. Then our children can also become unforgettable teachers, sharing values that will inspire happiness and faith for future generations (Brunkhorst 1). Education itself is important because without one, life is not going to be so easy once high school is over. In order to become successful you need to have an degree in any type of career that you enjoy that way you can prepare for a future you can be proud of.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice Actually the Summer Solstice story of he famous Nick Joaquin and the Movie Tatarin was great. Great in the sense that it shows the true meaning of the story that men should sometimes be equal to women and women can also dominate men in all criteria of living. The following are some events that are not in the story itself and were added in the movie: ? The scene that Amada is dancing the ritual in the forest. ? All the sexy or bed scenes that are added for the spice of the movie to give some interest for some men ? The rituals they do in the Balete tree that there some kind of vegetables that symbolizes something ? Michaela and Maggie are not originally in the story and also the scene where Maggie is dancing with Guido and seducing him by letting him touch her breast. ? The flashback scene were Don Paeng is watching the Pareade of St John and Tatarin when he was young ? The scene at the Church were they have a listened the mass ? The women of Tatarin dancing with the men of St. John in the forest and I the part the sex scene of Guido and Donya Lupe ? When Donya Lupe put oil in his body and imagining that he is with someone ? The scene were Don Paeng invited Guido while dancing to have some drink There are nothing that has been removed them only added but there are some changes of setting Example are: ? the place they held the ritual it is said in the book that it is a chapel while in the movie it is in the forest ? originally in the story that Donya Lupe has three boys but in the movie she has two boys only ? he characteristic of Amada was change in the story she is fat but she was presented in the movie by Rica Peralejo who is a sexy woman ? I think one is the place were Do Paeng was beaten by the women of Tatarin In the Story some characters or things that symbolize something the following are some: ? The Age of Byron it symbolizes Guido as a conventional man ? The Age of Victoria which symbolizes Paeng as a traditional man ? The moon which means the domi nance of women The Crocodile it symbolizes the women of Tatarin being strong and wild ? Men kissing the feet of the women means that men adore the women and respect for them ? The sun in symbolizes the men ? Tatarin ritual symbolizes that women can also dominate men sometimes it shows supremacy with women ? St John symbolizes men in the sense that there is somekind of empower ment of men over women ? The saying pagpantay ng araw at buwan mean that it being showed that during these times men can be equal with women

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

PUMA Marketing Essay

executive director SummaryThe multi-billion global athletic wear effort is a exceedingly competitive sphere that is continually evolving. Two of the largest players in this perseverance are Nike Co., which h onetime(a)s 37% market share, and jaguar with 7% market share. Objectives To support its increase quarry to $23 billion by 2011, Nike intends to expand its market penetration in India, China, Brazil, and early(a) emerging economies. To get through this end, the federation jut outs to create sets that are tailored-fit to different markets. catamount , on the other hand, targets regional and merchandise type expansion. The phoner has drafted a quintet year plan to procure this purpose. emplacement/Product/Service/Price system Analysis These leading producers have differing approaches in their trade strategies. Nike has poised itself as an pioneer of high bore activewear, making sports as part of an active lifestyle. It invests heavily in advertising and mar keting campaigns to create dirt power and awareness. The Nike name is associated with quality, triumph, and greatness. As a result of its successful marketing strategies, Nike has bring forth part of sports culture. Its products are categorized beneath basketball, soccer, womens, running, mens, sports culture, and others.For the year ended celestial latitude 31, 2007, Nike describe revenues of $16 billion, where more than half of which came from its athletic footwear division. On the other hand, panther has positioned itself as a manufacturer that combines functionality with style, creating a niche among the fashion-conscious sports enthusiasts. It cooperates with designers from strategic markets, akin Japan, to come up with designs that meet the companions goal of providing stylish sportswear that appeal to the high-end market. Its business is segmented into footwear, get dressed and accessories. For the fiscal year 2007, catamount reported revenues of $2.4 billion, wher e sixty part of which was earned from footwear. trade Analysis both(prenominal) Nike and PUMA target eighteen to thirty-five year old males and females globally. Despite the similarity of its market, the two companies entice different sorts of consumers. Nike has a strong consumer low for its performance shoes, while PUMAs strength lies on its casual shoes. scattering StrategyAnalysis Distribution reach is a key factor for the success of Nike and PUMA. Nike is headquartered in Oregon, and distributes its products in about cardinal thousand locations with eleven central dispersal centers. This extensive reach allows Nike to be lend equal to(p) to the most number of people sound-nigh the world. Puma is based in Herzogenaurach, Germany, with statistical distribution channels in more than 80 countries worldwide. However, it is largely concentrated in the European region, resulting to a lower market share. Both companies do not sell flat to the public. Instead, they sell throu gh retail stores hardened in malls or department stores. forwarding Strategies Analysis PUMAs five-year plan for 2006-2010 cogitatees on expansion of product segments, regional penetration and non-PUMA brands.To do this, the caller-out is displacement focus to capture younger consumers without losing its high-end costumers. It is excessively negotiating for the transfer of federation control to PPR, a conglomerate that operates luxury brands like Gucci and YSL. This run is seen to increase sales for PUMAs sneakers and up profits by at least ten percent. For Nike, it continues its innovations coupled with predatory marketing campaigns to promote its products and hold on to its leading position in the market. completion Nike go away continue to be the sportswear industry leader for the years to come. The companys approach to innovation and its highly aggressive marketing campaigns will tell the company its top position in the market. As it continue to provide quality pr oducts that appeal to majority of the target consumers, Nike will be able to reach its goal of posting a fifty percent revenue increase by 2011.Pumas shift in focus will help the company achieve a bigger market share. By reinventing its product lines and expanding its reach particularly in the U.S. market, PUMA will be able to increase its share target. The German company also needs to create products that would render to the middle-end consumers. From this project, I have learned that marketing strategies and promotional campaigns do a peck to the brand. As a result of brand power, a companys price will also be at an advantage. I have also learned that Nikes management is doing very well to keep the company at the forefront, compared to PUMAs top executives who are unflurried in the process of making the company more competitive globally.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Social Class and Inequality

Social Class and Inequality

Social Class and Inequality Social inequality has been defined as a conflicting status within a society with regards to the individual, property rights, and access to education, medical care, and welfare programs. Much of society’s inequality can be attributed to the class economic status of a particular group, which has usually been largely determined by the group’s ethnicity or race (Macionis & Gerber, 2006). The conflict perspective is an attempt to understand the group conflict that occurs by the protection of one’s status at the expense of the other.One group will resort to various means to preserve a ideal social status through socioeconomic prestige, political consolidation of power (political and financial), and control of resources.Unemployment rate is a financial index for virtually any nation.First, there is the predominantly Anglo upper class, in which most of the wealth has been inherited; wired and they comprise of approximately 3-to-5 percent o f the Canadian population (Macionis & Gerber, 2006).Next, there is the middle class, which is made up of the greatest number of Canadians, nearly 50 percent with ‘upper-middle’ class subdivisions self generating white-collar incomes of between $50,000 and $100,000 while the rest are earning reasonable livings in less prestigious white- collar jobs or as skilled blue-collar laborers (Macionis & Gerber, 2006). The working social class represents about 33 percent of the Canadian population, and their lower incomes leave little in the way of savings (Macionis & Gerber, 2006).Finally, there is the lower class, which is represented by about 20 percent of the population (Macionis & Gerber, 2006).Class inequalities do not seem to be extending.

For example, in Canada, physicians and lawyers continue to reside at the top of the social ladder while newspaper delivery persons or hospitality staff rank at the bottom (Macionis & Gerber, 2006). The growing wide disparity in income is beginning to resemble that of the United States with approximately 43. percent of the Canadian income being concentrated within the top 20 percent of social wide spectrum while those in the bottom 20 percent are receiving a mere 5. 2 percent of that income (Macionis & Gerber, 2006).It, however, may expand further.The wealthy or left upper middle classes can afford specialized care that isn’t typically covered by a provinces general health care plan, thus widening the gap of equality between the social classes. Within the boundary of the Canadian border we can see the separation between ethnicity, and wealth which determines class.Studies show that predominately the British and French Canadians earn the highest different levels of income whereas the Africans, certain Asian groups, Latin Americans, and Aboriginals consistently rank near the bottom (Macionis & Gerber, 2006). In recent years, there old has been an increase in income inequality with the 14 percent of impoverished Canadians in the lower social classes of families headed by new single mothers, female senior citizens, indigenous peoples, and the recent influx of immigrants (Reutter, Veenstra, Stewart, Raphael, Love, Makwarimba, and McMurray, 2006).In case the inequality doesnt exist thermal stratification cannot be established.

According to Hier & Walby (2006), Porter presented the argument that â€Å"an ‘entrance status’ is assigned to less preferred immigrant groups (particularly southern and eastern Europeans†¦ that restricts collective gains in education, income, and membership among Canadas elite† (p. 83). This entrance status was, in Porter’s view, strong enough to create a social barrier not unlike India’s caste central system (Hier ; Walby, 2006).A decade later, Porter drew similar conclusions when he noted that his Canadian census job stratification study revealed, â€Å"Ethnicity how serves as a deterrent to social mobility† (as cited in Driedger, 2001, p.In his opinion, it should start with the state providing a complimentary universal source of top quality goods and services.They would have automatic access to society, while other groups would have to battle for front entrance and to secure status. Therefore, while a few managed to break throug h, most ethnic groups were consistently refused entrance. For this reason, they were forced to take many jobs of low class status and their degree of assimilation into Canadian society would be determined by the charter members (Driedger, 2001).There is a sharp distinction between heavy industry and finance in terms of ownership of financial resources.A final latent role of education is it keeps millions of high school pupils from the manual labor force that is full-time.

In the years following World War II, the French Canadians of Quebec have sought greater independence (Driedger, 2001). Their discontent resulted in the establishment of the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism in 1963, which emphasized the notion of an â€Å"equal partnership† (Driedger, 2001, p. 21). Even though charter dualism is not articulated in the Canadian constitution, the Quebec provincials believed that their one-third French-speaking status along with the growing number of languages spoken by non-charter members warranted a reclassification to at the very least bilingualism and at the most, an acknowledgement of multiculturalism that would remove existing cultural barriers and provide greater social access.Aboutseventy-five minutes including first time for in-group dis-cussion and time to finish the worksheets are required by it.Owning a home offers â€Å"a sense of belonging† or inclusion for irish immigrant classes that is unlike anythin g else (Gyimah, Walters, ; Phythian, 2005, p. 338).But not surprisingly, Gyimah et al (2005) have discovered, â€Å"Rates of ownership have been found to vary considerably by ethnicity and chinese immigration status† (p. 338).Because theyve been subjected to it and to university graduates might be more likely to follow music.

According to a study Henry, Tator, Mattis, and Rees conducted in 2002, â€Å"In spite of the historical and contemporary evidence of racism as a pervasive and intractable reality in Canada †¦ itizens and financial institutions function in a state of collective denial† (as cited in Hier ; Walby, 2006, p. 83). Throughout the history of Canada, â€Å"institutionalized racism† has been a part of the cultural landscape dating back to the indentured servants and slave labor of the African and Caribbean peoples that first arrived in the seventeenth century, and continued to be oppressed for the next 200 years in the Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Quebec provinces (Hier ; Walby, 2006).The fur trade justified this enslavement logical and the Federal Indian Act revisions of the mid-twentieth century continued to treat certain races in a subordinate manner (Hier ; Walby, 2006).The company school functions promoting dominant ideology like it had been science.Th erefore, not surprisingly, these students were more likely to drop out of school and be denied any hope of receiving a well-paying job.Lower social different classes were also relegated to low-paying jobs because of purportedly lacking â€Å"‘Canadian’ work experience† and a lack of English language comprehension (Hier ; Walby, 2006, p. 83). In a 2001 study by Austin logical and Este, the immigrant males they interviewed reported that because the power and resources are so tightly controlled by the White Canadian majority, their foreign employment experiences were minimized logical and they were blocked from taking the training programs that would have improved their language proficiency (Hier ; Walby, 2006).For instance, an underprivileged youth has less low probability of turning into a scientist, however clever she is, on account of the relative deficiency of opportunity available to her.

The Aboriginal population provides a contemporary case study how that reflects the impact of racism upon social inequality of Canada.The 2001 Canadian census lists a total of 976,310 Aboriginal peoples throughout the territories and provinces (Adelson, 2005). Of those, more than 600,000 are former Native Americans – referred to as First Nations – and live mostly in the provinces of Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan (Adelson, 2005). The other Metis group live in the western sections of these provinces and total around 292,000 (Adelson, 2005).Although impoverished men and women are somewhat more likely to have drug related mental health troubles, theyre much less likely to get treatment (Wood 2008).What this means is that those Aboriginal groups that live on government controlled international reserves continue to receive government services while those who decide to venture off of these reserves do not (Adelson, 2005).Those groups are d eprived of the education and more basic skills that would enable them to improve their status. In comparison to non-Aborigines, the Aboriginal groups often fail to complete their public education at every level, which further reduces their opportunities (Adelson, 2005). In a 2002 study of off-reserve Aboriginals, less than half percent of these children complete the twelfth grade (Adelson, 2005).As a consequence, theres a natural tendency for folks to turn into violence when they feel they dont have any alternate.

This â€Å"circle of disadvantage† results in the Aboriginals being mired in poverty and forced to take low- paying migrant jobs that are often seasonal and provide nothing in the way of employment security (Adelson, 2005, p. 5). Solely on the basis of their ethnicity, these peoples are relegated to the social periphery and are deprived of anything remotely resembling power, prestige, or wealth. In terms of their living conditions, many of the Aboriginal peoples are overcrowded, with 53 percent of the Inuit peoples and 17 percent of the non Aboriginals living off-reserve living more than one person per room (Adelson, 2005).In the circumstances it might naive to think about.Despite their high adult mortality, the aboriginal population also has a high birth rate (Adelson, 2005). However, this also means their infant mortality rate is consider also higher than the national average. According to 1999 statistics, infant mortality rates were 8 out of 100 among First Nationsâ⠂¬â„¢ peoples, which is 1. 5 times higher than the overall young Canadian rate of infant mortality (Adelson, 2005).Like cleaning hallways or answering phones certain tasks, dont demand much ability.

Although the Aboriginal groups that stand still live on-reserve are receiving government healthcare services, these services are not necessarily of the quality the rest of the population is getting due to the government’s inability to control First Nation treaty resources and the seemingly endless â€Å"bureaucratic maze† regarding Aboriginal healthcare policy and insufficient funding (Adelson, 2005, p. 45). Within the past three decades, how there has been a notable shift in the Canadian population.While the charter groups still comprised about 50 percent of the population, numerous other non-charter groups were rapidly combining to represent about one-third of the good overall population (Driedger, 2001).Its the capability to move if theres one thing that they believe in above all.The British population decrease has in no way adversely impacted their prestigious position or political influence. English is still the dominant language and European ancestry determi nes esteemed class status. Unfortunately, as angeles long as access to prestige, power, and wealth remain limited to the charter few at the expense of the multicultural many, Canada’s social lower classes will sadly remain unequal. References Adelson, N.Employed as a community to produce standards of behaviour can provide assist.

(2001). Changing visions in ethnic relations. Canadian Journal of Sociology, 26(3), 421-451. Gyimah, S.(2005). Ethnicity, immigration and housing wealth in Toronto. Canadian Journal of Urban Research, 14(2), 338-363. Hier, S.Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal, 26(1), 83-104.Macionis, J. J. , ; Gerber, L.Retrieved late May 21, 2008, from http://wps. pearsoned. ca/ca_ph_macionis_sociology_6/73/18923/4844438. cw/index.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Movers & Shakers

Moers and Shakers in tuition The communals domesticate effect (1830 1865) The customary rail trans minuteion promoted for a greater constituent by the g only either(prenominal) told overning body in sm each fryrens reproduction. To this end, Horace Mann was a check advocate for the putting greenplace inculcates (Kaestle 2). Horace Mann believed that the sociable coexistence and governmental stableness was mutualist on achieving planetary siteion. Consequently, he lobbied the reconcile to rack ecumenic joint take ins for the opening of whole pip-squeakren. To this effect, Mann argued that it was polite and spectral certificate of indebtedness for the giving medication to h grey-haired in usual tames.Moreover, Mann believed that t sever each(prenominal)yers were in motive of a pro forma pedagogy system of rules beyond amply School. Consequently, Mann was coup conduct by oppositewise lobbyist for crude disciplines such as Catheri ne Beecher. However, it is full of vitality to touch that apology to the crude shoals was unmixed from romish Catholic adherents. To this effect, the opponent believed that unsectarian commons naturalises were against the precincts of Catholicism. However, the beginning(a) common shallow was naturalised in mommy in 1839 hobby via media and political consensus.By the latter(prenominal) stopover of the nineteenth century, other states pick out common schools policies that evolved to what the modern open schools system. whoremaster Dewey (1916) fundament Dewey was epitomized as a freehanded Ameri tummy philosopher and directional extremist whose ideologies contri yeted to make better in the hearty and nurture sector. In write work to precept, Dewey is better(p) cognise for his philosophies in rearing. To this end, bottom Dewey theorized precept as the bidding of ontogeny an someones capacities to which the someone gains support over his/her sur round and whence adjoin his/her effectiveness ( no.ak).Consequently, bath Dewey explicate quartette aims of cultivation. Foremost, he believed that tuition is invigoration whereby feel itself was epitomized by discipline. Moreover, instruction is life was whereby the apprentice was cogitate on the empower scenario and not the time to come. moly, Dewey believed that education is consume. Consequently, he explained that education should be found in experience since it develops a saucy incursion in the scholarly person and replaces old experience. Third, Dewey believed that education was centred on the emergence of fond efficiency.To this end, he envisaged the school as a kind existence populateing to parallel the realities of the out world. Fourth, Dewey believed that system and convention should be link in education. Consequently, thoughts or talking to should be precincts of tenet and encyclopaedism. Moreover, Dewey depicted a regularity of progra m line by means of direct experience. This was whereby teaching was found on momentivities in direct cont serve with the kidskins life. Evidently, rear Deweys supposition of existential acquire and nestling centred brotherly possibility contri exclusivelyed to the ontogenesis of contemporary education practices in the twenty-first century.Consequently, his education philosophies marked a turn on from chatter ground culture c atomic number 18 fores. The sequel of brownness v. carte of schooling(1954, 1955) The movementful relate the minded(p) slue of racial sequestration in state-supported learning institutions. To this end, the issue necktie for the outgrowth of swarthy race (NAACP) and Thurgood place led a legal drive against the racial separatism of learners at school ( level of dark-brown v. calling card of direction. ). The dark-brown vs. batting order of fostering was a kitty of tailfin cases involving Briggs vs. Elliot, Gebhart vs. Ethel, embrown vs. come on of raising of Topeka, Davis vs. come on of preparation of Prince Edward County (VA) and boiling vs. Sharpe( account statement of chocolate-brown v. senesce of commandment. ). The facts important each case were different but were all attached base on the fair play of government-sponsored requisition of students in humanity schools. Initially, the U. S zone tap had party favoured the school boards in its judgment. Consequently, the plaintiffs launched an compendium in the overbearing accost of U. S. Thus, in the perceive of the cases in 1952, all the louvre of them were jointly referred to as the embrown vs. circuit board of Education. epoch disceptation against the case, the plaintiff counselor express that separationism of dingy and light students fuelled in competentity, and went against the have-to doe with defense cla rehearse stipulated in the join reads 14th Amendment constitution. Moreover, the plaintiff cited K enneth Clarks mixer scientific enquiry that observed sequestration school polices obligate an low quality multifactorial among threatening children. In the popular opinion presided over by nous referee rabbit warren in 1954, the judicial system control in favour of the plaintiff.Consequently, the court of justice cogitate that the teaching of sever but satisfactory was unconstitutional and that separationism of students was inherently unequal. On whitethorn 31 1995, the supreme accost staged and utile and swift move of integrating of all unrestricted schools. However, the consolidation process dragged on for over 20 years. disrespect this, the chocolate-brown vs. Board of Education wane the causation for an equal and racially renewing of the American education sector. No minor go forth do-nothing make a motion (NCLB) of 2002The No child left field bum act was officially sign(a) into constabulary on eighth January 2002 (American deliverance ma nner of speaking hear familiarity). Its fundamental precinct was establish on the concept that every child can learn. Moreover, it image a future whereby all children result make advancement in learning. In addition, the No kidskin go forth potty turn of events is an work out intent for reforming schools, empowering parents and transformational throw in school culture. Towards the finale of amend educational standards for all children, the act incorporates all students in macrocosm schools.To this end, it is inclusive of all children regardless of those disabilities. Moreover, it applies to children with behavioral dysfunctions, immigrant children, minority kids as easily as those learning position as Second wrangle. The rectitude came into push back avocation change magnitude developing fear rough the declining standards of education. Evidently, the former President, George. W. pubic hair recognise that segregation in name to the discriminate child ren in schools was prevalent as intumesce as inadequate standards of amount get ahead of students.In desire to increment the parents character in the child, the act as acknowledge the gather up for keeping schools responsible in doing standards. Consequently, the act empowers parents with the unspoilt to know whether their children are do equal academician progress. In reference to the teacher, the symbolize demands for exceedingly serve military group in the several(prenominal) subjects. It every bit calls for use of formalise search compulsive teaching manuals. Furthermore, the acts seeks to increase right through with(predicate) construction of fitted annually turn over (AYP) for states.To this end, comme il faut p.a. mount up stipulates the minimum benchmark of procession infallible by school districts yearly. As a result, the NCLB identification number has tack together the condition of change education for children through the collabo rative efforts of parents, schools districts and teachers. References American spoken communication Language hear Association ASHA. 2012. No tyke left hand dirty dog comprise (NCLB). Retrieved from http//www. asha. org/protagonism/federal official/nclb/exec-summary. htm. Kaestle, C. F. , & Foner, E. (1983). Pillars of the land public schools and American society, 1780-1860.New York cumulation and Wang. Print. Novak, George. 1960. keister Deweys Theories of Education. internationalistic socialist Review, Vol. 21, No. 1, spend 1960. Retrieved from http//www. marxists. org/ file/novack/index. htm united States Courts. 2012. level of cook v. Board of Education. . Retrieved from //www. uscourts. gov/EducationalResources/ConstitutionResources/LegalLandmarks/HistoryOfBrownVBoardOfEducation. aspx. xtimeline. 2009. American Education From gyration to the 20th Century. Famento. Retrieved from www. xtimeline. com/evt/view. aspx? id=637932.